Keeping clean and healthy on the road isn't always easy. The more I wander to different places, the more I realise how important it is to keep personal hygiene closest to you. Clean water or a clean environment isn't available everywhere and hence keeping clean is often questionable.
Recently, I had a hard time getting rid of a skin infection and believe me, it was a nightmare. Consulting a doctor is important in such cases. Changing weather, stress, pollution, etc. can creating havoc with your health and one of the first and foremost step to good health is good personal hygiene.
Another important discussion which is lately gaining everybody's attention is - Depression. My close friends who have a drama group recently put together a street play called - Gadbad Hai on the occasion of World Mental Health Day.
While talking to I Say Organic it suggests the consumers to lead a healthy life by opting for healthy diets. Food plays a vital role in determining mood and helps in balancing hormones in the body. Mood disorders are a serious and pervasive health problem, and is one of the reasons that can cause depression. Hormones affect mood, sleep cycles, metabolism the reproductive cycle, sexual arousal, hunger and cravings. Through diet and powerful food choices, looking after our emotional health and well-being we can take charge of how things affect us. We can actually do this in the most natural way possible by changing our diet and opting for organic food.
Ashmeet Kapoor, founder of I Say Organic believes that there are some foods that have a big impact on how we feel. And this can be more serious than just getting grouchy from overdoing it – there's a wealth of research that suggests that certain types of food actually contain essential components for good mental health, with deficiencies potentially even worsening diagnosable mental disorders such as depression.
I Say Organic recommends some of the food items that you can include in your daily diet that can help beat depression:
- Leafy Greens
- Avocado
- Mushrooms
- Onions
- Apple
- Citrus fruits
- Omega 3 fatty acids rich food like (nuts, Flax seeds etc)
Diet and lifestyle changes are not a cure-all for depression. But certain foods can affect your mood, so when it comes to what you eat, choose wisely. Mood can become so stifling that it disrupts a person's quality of life and may result in substance abuse and poor work performance. Treatment for depression can be a complicated process involving both therapy and medication. But one often-overlooked factor is nutrition -you are what you eat, and you need to eat organic food that will help you be happy.
Source: Freepik |
Moving on to one major topic - Women and Personal Hygiene, here are few healthy habits and answers to common queries by most of us by the good folks from HealthSignz Specialists for women to take care of that beautiful body.
1. What are the top 3 habits/tips to follow for personal hygiene?
Reduce use of external cleansers
Believe it or not, natural vaginal discharge and oils act as natural cleansers against infection in women genitals. Women’s vagina is gifted with a self-cleaning process which helps maintain its symbiosis. Using external soaps, cleansers and wet tissues in excess may disturb the cycle, leading to dry and itchy vagina. Never attempt to clean inside vagina.
Wash your hands before using the toilet
Keeping our hands germ-free is a basic advice passed from all. While washing hands after toilet is a must, women must be cautious of washing hands before using the toilet and wiping. It will help avoid transferring of bacteria from your hand to your genital region.
There’s a right way to wipe
The correct way to wipe your external genitals is front to back. Although, it may sound as a very basic rule, it’s a crucial one for your genital health. If you don’t know yet, note that wiping in the opposite direction may cause bacteria travel from your butt to your vaginal region, increasing the risk of Urinary Tract Infection.
Change frequently
Dampness around your genitals may lead to irritations, therefore, women should keep the vaginal area clean (use plain water only) and change inner garments on a regular basis. Additionally, to avoid infections due to sweat and moisture, clothes should be changed after office, exercises and swimming.
Menstrual Care
Many women feel unclean during and post menstrual cycle, and often end up using external fluids to clean the inside, unaware of the fact that, it leads to more health issues. Excess washing of vagina may force bacteria and debris up into the reproductive tract, leading to painful condition called pelvic inflammatory disease. Thus, at most times, you should let your natural vaginal phenomenon to cleanse the reproductive tract post menstrual cycle.
2. One poor habit women should let go off to keep personal hygiene at best?
Not drinking enough water is one poor habit that women should let go off. Water is a natural cleanser, and brings multiple benefits to human body.
One of the most common bladder infection among women is UTI that causes Harmful bacteria to grow uncontrollably. Water does wonders. In addition to multiple benefits of water, one is its bacteria - flushing tendency. Drinking water regularly, helps flush out the bacteria in your bladder and reduces the risk of infection. However, if symptoms go worse, a visit to a doctor is suggested.
Source: Freepik |
3. What is Jock Itch and how prevalent it is among women?
Jock Itch also called as intertrigo is a fungal infection which looks like a red rash, which is itchy with raised papules, occurs in the groins and can spread to buttock. It usually occurs due to moisture or sweat that gets trapped in skin folds allowing fungus to grow. A woman could acquire the same from their partner, with skin-to-skin contact. So keep yourself clean and dry at all times.
4. How to tackle itches and keep sweat at bay during the hot summer season?
An itch needs to be treated early as it develops into a heat rash, which if induced with sweat may lead to an infection. Once an infection is developed, soap should be avoided and the area needs to be kept dry.
Some habits that must be acquired:
- Change underwear frequently and sanitary pads after every 4 hours
- Don’t sit at one place for long, it traps the moisture which results in rashes
- Avoid tight garments and prefer cotton over other fabrics
- Avoid sharing your personal items like towels
- Avoid touching the itchy area
I hope on this World Health Day, my little write-up would help you all to take a step ahead for the betterment of your health and personal hygiene.
Lots of Love,