15 September 2012

Storytelling (:

"Book Lovers never go to bed alone." 
Don't know whose phrase it is, but isn't it so true?

I am about to finish Veronika Decides to Die, By Paulo Coelho. I also loved his previous Novel
"The Alchemist", Simply Superb!

I love sleeping with a novel; lost in its thoughts, away from reality, in the world of Books. The way these authors take you away from just everything, is amazing. I mean the way they tell you a story and it becomes your story <3

My Book Collection
Story is a relationship. A promise you make to your readers. We create stories to define our own existence, says Shekhar Kapur.

This other day I had a lecture on "Effective Writing" in my college. My Faculty showed us various videos from Ted Ed (http://ed.ted.com/). Ted Ed is an initiative by TED, which intends to support teachers around the globe to sparkle the curiosity of learners around the world. To know all about Ted Ed, watch this video.

Well, so talking about Story here; we all believe that Stories remain with all of us forever. Its the image which exists in mind, the words which flow in life, always. So what is so great about Storytelling? What would a great movie be without Storytelling in it? Can you imagine your childhood without Storytelling? The Answer points to how Important is Storytelling to our lives.

Stories inspire me and I hope to write one, some day for sure! :)What are your views? Do you have a story to share?
Then whom are you waiting for?
Share and explore your creativity through Storytelling.


Gaurav.Prabhu said...

story telling has always been my love, but my style of telling a story is with visuals...and so when i narrate stories to my friends i always have sound fx like *zooooooommmm* *dishummmmm* *dhadama!* *tichuk* *toinggg* and my friends make fun of me for that :P but as long as i have fun its awsm :D ..... this was my story about story telling :)

Megha said...

Hey Gaurav! :)
I am sure you truly believe in the power of Storytelling then :)
It adds that 'magic' to your life, isn't it?
thank you for sharing your story here :)

Have a great day ahead (Y)

ELLE said...

hi you won my giveaway! http://poptartselle.blogspot.com/2012/09/poptartselle-x-favordeal-giveaway-winner.html

please email me asap. thanks! xx


Megha said...

OMG!!!! I wonnn! Yuppieeeee :) :) :) :)
Thank you so much ELLE! <3
mailing you right away.

Boomerang Plus said...

Its my fav pass time! :D nice post! :)

Thank you for your wonderful comment on my blog earlier :)

Maybe you have time to read my new post is up: Its OK to laugh sometime

~Boomerang Plus

Megha said...

thank yo for dropping by :)
Sure I will be on your blog again soon, reading your post!